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Eastern Christian School has been selected as a 2014 New Jersey District of Character!

In a letter dated January 22, 2014. William Trusheim Dachnowicz, President of the New Jersey Alliance for Social, Emotional, and Character Development (NJASECD) wrote:

“Congratulations! Because of the high quality of work represented in your State/National Schools of character application, the New Jersey Alliance for Social, Emotional and Character Development has selected Eastern Christian School as a 2014 New Jersey District of Character. Your district will maintain this status for a period of three years.”

Eastern Christian is one of ten New Jersey schools recognized this year. Our application, now, has been forwarded to the Character Education Partnership (CEP) in Washington, D.C. for consideration in the National Schools of Character program.

Work on gathering evidence for our portfolio application demonstrating how Eastern Christian School campuses meet the Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education began over 2 years ago under the leadership of Mary Faber (ECMS Dean of Students), Jesse Wright (ECHS Art Teacher) and Donna Holly (ECES Kindergarten Teacher).

Congratulations to all in the ECS community! This honor is evidence of our partnership in truly providing an engaging, nurturing, and transforming education.